For other uses of the word blackjack see blackjack (disambiguation).

Blackjack (ブラック・ジャック) began as a manga by Osamu Tezuka. It is an episodic series dealing with the various medical cases of a man known to the world as Dr. Blackjack. Blackjack is a surgical genius, but is not a licenced doctor. Instead, he acts as a medical mercenary, selling his skills to the highest bidders. Osamu Tezuka was also a doctor, so the comic has reality.

Blackjack's real name is Kuroo Hazama (間 黒男). When he was a little boy, the building he was in was bombed. His mother died and he decided to live for revenge. Kuroo himself was severely injured, but was rescued by a good doctor. When he was older he became a doctor himself. He was very smart and good at surgery, but he never tried to get a licence, because he was among doctors who had licences but only boasted about them. Of course, he can not work at a hospital, so he opened a clinic far away from any city.

Because he is unlicenced, most of his clients come to him in secret. Presidents and leaders of mafia come sometimes. From those VIP patients, he requests unlawfully expensive money. His patients trust him because of his skillful reputation, even though the official medical community shuns him for his lack of licence and outrageous fees. Although he is greedy and doesn't always display the best bedside manner, he really has a warm heart, and sometimes performs procedures for free if the need arises. His kindness can be seen in many episodes. Most of the episodes are drama through surgery among him and patients.

Table of contents
1 Characters
2 Animated version



Pinoko (
pinochle, ピノコ) is a girl built by Blackjack. She was in her twin's stomach for eighteen years. It was a special disease that body parts of a twin was stuffed in the other twin's body. Blackjack took out the body parts and built her using artificial skin and bones. She is a very funny girl who is in love with Blackjack and insists that she is his wife although she looks like a 5 year old. Blackjack is often cheered up by her character, so it is sure that she is a special girl to Blackjack.


Dr. Kiriko (キリコ) is also a skillful doctor. But he is convinced that euthanasia is better than pain. So Blackjack sometimes conflicts with Kiriko.

Animated version

In 1992 Tezuka's old protege Osamu Dezaki did the direction and character designs for an OVA series. Eight OVAs were made (six of which are available, in dub-only form, in North America), and a movie (also by Dezaki).