Cāmpulung is a city in the Arges county, Romania. It is situated among the outlying hills of the Carpathian Mountains, at the head of a long well-wooded glen traversed by the river Tārgului, a tributary of the Arges.

Its pure air and fine scenery render Cmpulung a popular summer resort. In the town are more than twenty churches, besides a monastery and a cathedral, which both claim to have been founded, in the 13th century, by Radu Negru, first Prince of Wallachia.

There was a considerable traffic with Transylvania, over the Torzburg Pass, 15 miles North, and with the South by a branch railway to Ploiesti.

Near Cāmpulung are the remains of a Roman camp; and just beyond the gates, vestiges a Roman colony, variously identified with Romula, Stepenium and Ulpia Traiana, but now called Gradistea or Jidovi.
