A conjuration (from Latin 'conjuratio', 'conjurare', to swear together) can have different acceptations:

As an invocation (not always these words are synonyms) a conjuration is the act of summoning one or more spirits with a pre-determined purpose by means of a charm. This means that the conjurer will perform some ritual to call upon the spirit.

Some conjurations have as a requisite a previous ritual of purification of body, mind and soul to attract the spirit or avoid the danger this entity could represent.

It is commonly thought that for a better result the conjurer must wear special clothes and ornaments, and amulets for attraction and/or protection. Magic symbols drawn on the floor and/or altar and embroidered on the clothes are often used, having each one a specific purpose. The hour of the day or night and the planetary aspects (astrological configuration of the zodiac) are considered important, depending on the purpose of the conjuration.

A special atmosphere is preferred in the room or place in which the ritual is going to be performed, using specific aromatic resins and herbs (incense, myrrh, etc.), and lighting the place with candles or torches if possible.

The text of the charms to be recited to conjure the spirit varies considerably from simple sentences to complex paragraphs with plenty of magic words. The language usually is that of the conjurer's, but since the Middle Age in Western Tradition Latin was the most common (although many texts have been translated into other languages).

As an additional note, when it is said that a person is calling upon or conjuring misfortune or disease, it is due to the ancient belief that personified diseases as evil spirits or demons that could enter a human or animal body (see demon possession), and misfortune as a minor deity.