A couch potato is (originally U.S) slang for a person who spends most or much of his time sitting or lying on a couch, or perhaps an armchair or recliner,[1] watching television and often drinking beer. Typically, couch potatoes are supposed to be overweight or out of shape.

Some studies have said that the "couch potato lifestyle" is a serious health hazard to its practitioners[1]; in the United Kingdom, a plan of the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit tied attempts "to combat the couch potato culture" to "[improving the U.K.'s] international sporting performance" [1].

Ten studies presented at the 2003 meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine suggested that there could be a genetic basis for the "couch potato lifestyle".[1]

Various activities have been designed for or around the couch potato, including a type of investment portfolio ("Couch Potato Portfolio")[1], and fantasy football leagues.

The phrase has coined a spin-off 'mouse potato', meaning one who spends too much time in front of a computer. The origin of this neologism, obviously a play on words between a (computer) mouse and a couch, is unknown.

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Couch Potato is also the name of a song by Weird Al Yankovic, a television program, the name of a game run by Fox 6 XETV from San Diego, California, and a Washington State instant lottery game.