Cozia Monastery, erected by Mircea cel Batran in 1388 and boasting his tomb, is one of the most valuable monuments of national medieval art and architecture in Romania.

The appearance of the compound was modified under Neagoe Basarab (1517), Serban Cantacuzino and Constantin Brancoveanu (1707), who added a verandah, a new fountain, a chapel and a watch tower, adjoining to its architecture the 'brancovenesc style'.

Wall facets decorations with original stone rosettes and frames display early Byzantine influence.

For great value stands the hospital church, 'bolnita' (1543), with original well preserved indoor frescoes, like the votive portrait of ruler Mircea cel Batran and his sons.

Cozia was painted between 1390-1931. Some of the primarily frescoes (1390) are still well preserved, and original frescoes in the hospital church ('bolnita') erected in 1543 stand for great value.

Cozia boasts a museum of old art exhibits: old manuscripts and printings, embroideries and cult objects.