The remoteness of Dartmoor and the fact that a great deal of it is undisturbed for much of the year is an encouragement to the wildlife.

Mammals to be found include: Deer; foxes; rabbits; weasels; stoats; hares. Rumours abound of large wild cats such as lions and pumas abroad on the moor, but little evidence has been forthcoming and until anything more substantial is available these reports should be filed under the general heading of cryptozoology.

Birds to be found include: Common Buzzards; Lapwingss; sparrows; Kestrelss; Ravenss; Sparrowhawks; Bramblings; Kingfisherss; Goldfinches; Greenfinches; Chaffinches; Skylarks; Stonechats; Yellowhammers

Rare birds seen include: Dartford Warblers; Corncrakes; Bitternss;

Reptiles to be found include: Grass Snakes; adders; slow worms; lizards;.

Amphibians to be found include: frogs; toads

Mammals to be found include: weasels; foxes; the Dartmoor pony; rabbits;

Many of the rivers and streams support the fish species commonly to be found in Britain and Ireland; salmon and trout are also to be found in some, though less frequently than in previous times.

NB: work out (species)