Edshu is the name of a Nigerian trickster God.

Joseph Campbell, in an interview with Bill Moyers, (The Power of Myth talked about Edshu):

"There's a wonderful story of the God who is walking down the road wearing a hat that is coloured red on one side and blue on the other side. When the farmers in the field go into the village in the evening, they say, "Did you see that god with the blue hat?" And the others say, "No, no, he had a red hat on." And they get into a fight. He makes it even worse by first walking in one direction and then turning around and turning his hat around, too, so that again it will be red or blue. Then when these two chaps get into a fight and are brought before the king for judgment, this trickster god appears, and he says, "It's my fault, I did it, and I meant to do it. Spreading strife is my greatest joy."