This page collects erotic images of paintings and objects in Pompeii of comparably low quality. These are often not yet fully restored (and may never be), or have not been at the time the photos were made, or are relatively bad scans, or low resolution. If you have higher quality versions of any of these images, please remove the low quality version and add the high quality version to the Erotic art in Pompeii page.

Fresco of Priapus, from the entryway of the largest Pompeii brothel

Fresco from the largest Pompeii brothel. It is unclear whether the images on the walls were advertisements for the services offered or merely intended to heighten the pleasure of the visitors.

Fresco from the largest Pompeii brothel

Fresco from the largest Pompeii brothel

Fresco from the largest Pompeii brothel

Fresco from the largest Pompeii brothel. This picture has elicited much interest, because it contradicts the popular male customer / female client notion.

Fresco from a Pompeii sleeping room

Erotic fresco

The three graces, a popular motive to the present time

Marble Sculpture, House of the Vetti