Warning: this article contains spoilers

Scott Adams' God's Debris (2001) creates a cohesive but iconoclast philosophical universe via Occam's Razor that surmises our universe's omnipotent God annihilated himself and exists now as the smallest units of matter and the law of probability, God's debris. He offers recommendations on everything from an alternative theory for planetary motion to successful recipes for relationships under his system. He hypothesizes that God is currently reassembling himself though the continued formation of a collective intelligence, modern examples including the development of the Internet. He bills God's Debris as a thought experiment, challenging readers to differentiate scientifically accepted theories from 'creative baloney.'

Given Adams' fame as the author of the Dilbert comics publishers were wary of publishing any book by Adams without Dilbert-content. The book was therefore released initially as an eBook (with comparatively small "publishing" costs) for its lack of Dilbert content. Based on its rapid success, however, it was very quickly also published in hardcover format.