Granny Smith is an apple variety originating in Australia around 1865 from a chance seedling propagated by Marie Ana (Granny) Smith. It is thought to be a seed from Malus silvestris, the French crab apple, with the domestic apple M. domestica as the pollenizer; thus it is likely a hybrid.

It was widely propagated in New Zealand, from which is was introduced to England about 1935 and the United States in the 1970s.

Granny Smith apples are grass green in color, though some may have a pink blush. They are crisp, juicy, apples that most people find too tart for eating out of hand, but are excellent for cooking. They also are favored for salads because the slices do not brown as quickly as other varieties.

The variety needs less winter chill hours and a longer growing season to mature the fruit, so it is favored for the milder areas of the apple growing regions.