Gundam Seed Episode Summaries From

Episode 6: The Disappearing Gundam

Armed soldiers surround the Archangel after it docks inside Artemis. Natarle asks what is going on, and Biddulph tells her they are taking precautions because the ship has no military identification code. The crew is herded into the cafeteria while Murrue, Natarle and Mwu are shuttled to the commander's office. Garcia, the commander of Artemis, can't believe that the Alliance's secret military project has fallen into his hands. Murrue, Natarle and Mwu are brought in to Garcia, and he confirms their identities. Garcia knows Mwu by his nickname, the "Hawk of Endymion". He remembers fighting with Mwu in the Battle of Grimaldi where Mwu was able to hold off a force of attacking GINNs. He asks Mwu why he is on the Archangel, and Mwu says it is top secret. Murrue says they have to reach the Atlantic Federation's moon headquarters as soon as possible, and Mwu says that ZAFT is after them. Garcia shows them an image of the Gamow and says there is nothing to worry about because they can't breach the umbrella force field. He has them taken away to another room to rest. On the ship, Kira and the others wonder how long the situation will continue. In a guarded room, Mwu worries about how Garcia is so arrogantly confident about the umbrella's protection. On the Gamow, Yzak, Dearka and Nicol plan their next move with the captain. The umbrella goes down when there are no enemies around, and Nicol thinks his Blitz Gundam will be able to do the job. The Gamow reverses course, and Garcia is informed that the Strike Gundam's OS is locked. Nicol prepares to launch in the Blitz Gundam, and Dearka tells Yzak that it suits a coward like him. Garcia comes into the ship's cafeteria and asks who the pilot of the Strike Gundam. Neumann asks what he wants with it, and Garcia says he wants to look at it. Murdock says that Mwu is the pilot, and Garcia answers that he knows Mwu pilots the Mobius Zero. He grabs Miriallia, and Kira confesses he is the pilot of the Strike Gundam.

Garcia calls Kira a liar and tries to punch him, but Kira grabs him and throws him to the floor. Soldiers grab him, and Fllay shouts out that Kira really is the pilot and is also a Coordinator. Garcia takes Kira to the ship's hangar and tells him to remove the lock on the OS. He also says he wants Kira to show him how to make a copy of the Strike Gundam, and Kira says he's just a civilian and doesn't have to obey. Garcia says that since Kira is a Coordinator it is clear that he has betrayed his people. He tells Kira that the Eurasian Federation will protect him well if he cooperates. Kira is then held at gunpoint and forced to work on the OS. The umbrella is lowered, and Nicol launches and activates the mirage colloid, making the Blitz Gundam invisible. He penetrates the defense line and starts blowing up the umbrella's power generators. As Artemis rocks from the explosions, Neumann and the others take control of the ship back from the soldiers. Mwu and Murrue start screaming for air to lure soldiers into their room. They knock out the soldiers and escape with Natarle. Kira kicks a soldier out of the cockpit and tells Garcia there's no time for this during an attack. Nicol enters the harbor and blows away several Mobiuses, and Kira launches with the Sword parts. Nicol attacks Kira with his Gleipnir anchor, and Kira fires back with his Panzer Eisen rocket anchor. The Gamow turns around, and Yzak and Dearka launch and join the attack. Nicol fires lancer darts from his Trikeros shield at Kira, and Kira tries to attack Nicol with his sword. Murrue and the others return to the ship, and she orders it to launch. An exploding Mobius crashes into the control room and kills Garcia. The Archangel leaves as Artemis explodes. Kira goes to sleep and cries alone with Torii sitting on his shoulder.

Episode 7: The Scars Of Space

The Vesalius approaches ZAFT territory, and Raww decides to take Athrun with him to the council meeting. On the Archangel, Mwu reports that the destruction of Artemis seems to have covered their escape from the Gamow. Tolle and Ssigh tell Fllay that she has to apologize to Kira for blurting out that he is a Coordinator back at Artemis. They tell her it will become awkward when she sees Kira, so she agrees to do it. Raww and Athrun board a shuttle with Athrun's father, Senator Patrick Zala. Senator Zala tells Raww and Athrun that he will cut out from the official report the part about a Coordinator piloting the Strike Gundam. He says if everyone knows about that it will only give the conservatives more reason to delay action. He is personally amazed that the Alliance could create such a powerful mobile suit, even if it was supposed to be piloted by Naturals. In the cafeteria, Tolle chokes on his food and Fllay complains about not being able to take a bath because of water restrictions. Kira comes in, and Fllay apologizes to him about Artemis. He tells her not to worry about it because the truth doesn't bother him. Murrue wants a fast course to the moon, but a debris field is in the way. Neumann tells her that if they go through the debris field that they'll probably end up as debris themselves. Mwu decides that they will have to make the impossible possible. Inside a PLANT, Athrun and Raww take an elevator down to the habitable area. They watch a TV conference held by Senator Siegel Clyne on the one year anniversary of the Bloody Valentine incident at Junius 7. Standing near him is his daughter Lacus, who is also Athrun's fiancé. Raww and Athrun arrive at the council meeting and give their report on Heliopolis. On the Archangel, Murrue and Mwu tell Kira and the others that they will be passing through the debris field to get supplies from wrecked ships. Murrue asks them for their help in getting what they need to survive.

Raww gives his report and says that it was never his intention to destroy Heliopolis and that the blame falls on Aube for violating the treaty. Senator Zala asks Raww if it was worth the sacrifice to get the Gundams, and Raww says that Athrun should be the one to explain that. Athrun gives a report on the Gundams and their abilities. The rest of the council members debate about how far the Alliance has come with their mobile suits. On the Archangel, Kira launches in the Strike Gundam, followed by Natarle, Tolle, Ssigh and Miriallia in Mistrals. Senator Zala reminds everyone that they wanted to live in peace until the Bloody Valentine incident when the Alliance used nuclear weapons to destroy Junius 7 and kill 240,000 civilians. As Kira and the others explore the debris field, they realize to their horror that it the ruined PLANT they've found is Junius 7. Kira and the others object to taking things from the dead, and Mwu says that since they are alive it is their duty to continue living. After the meeting ends, Senator Clyne talks to Athrun and tells him Lacus is busy with her work and can't spend time with him. Raww tells Athrun that they will set out in three days to chase the Archangel again. Athrun leaves, and Senator Clyne asks Senator Zala what he hopes to accomplish by intensifying the conflict. Senator Zala says they can't forgive those who will get in their way. Athrun and Raww drive through the city as screens fill with images of Lacus singing. Fllay and the children make origami flowers and spread them in space to remember the dead. Athrun visits a cemetery and lays down flowers at his mother Lenore's grave. As water excavation work begins, Kira spots a GINN Reconnaissance Type. He hesitates before blowing it up to save Kuzzey and Chandra. He then finds a lifepod and brings it back to the ship. The lifepod is opened, and inside is Lacus and her pink robotic Haro toy.

Episode 8: The Enemy's Songstress

Lacus floats out of her lifepod with her noisy Haro flying around. She looks at Kira's uniform and realizes she isn't on a ZAFT ship. Murrue, Natarle and Mwu take her to a room for questioning. Natarle chases away Tolle and the bridge crew for eavesdropping. Lacus explains that she is the daughter of Siegel Clyne, and Mwu says he is the leader of ZAFT's high council. Lacus asks Mwu if he knows her father, and he sighs in disbelief. She says she was investigating Junius 7 in preparation for the one year anniversary. An Alliance ship showed up and opened fire on the Silverwind, and the crew shoved Lacus into the lifepod. While in the shower, Athrun gets a call to inform him that the Vesalius will be leaving port 36 hours ahead of schedule. He then turns on the TV and hears a news report about Lacus and the Silverwind disappearing near Junius 7. When he reports for duty, he asks Raww if their departure has to do with Lacus. Athrun says it's not certain something bad happened, but his father says he has to go. He says everyone knows that Athrun and Lacus are engaged and that it would be odd if Athrun didn't go searching for her when she was missing. He explains that they sent a GINN Reconnaissance Type to find her, but it hasn't returned. Athrun sees that his mission is to bring her back like a hero, but Raww says he could end up bring back just her corpse and wailing away with tears. The Archangel leaves the ruins of Junius 7, and Kira walks into the cafeteria and finds Miriallia and Fllay arguing. Kuzzey explains that Fllay refuses to deliver food to Lacus. Fllay says she doesn't like being around Coordinators because they're scary, and she notices Kira standing there. She says they also have improved strength, and as she argues with Miriallia, Lacus and Haro walk into the cafeteria.

Mwu wonders what they will do with Lacus, and Murrue says they have no choice but to take her to Alliance headquarters on the moon. Mwu says they'll find plenty of uses for her there, and Murrue wants to prevent that because Lacus is a young civilian girl. Natarle asks how she can say that when she involved young civilians like Kira in the war. In the cafeteria, Lacus says she is hungry and thirsty, and Fllay asks why a ZAFT girl is roaming the ship. Lacus says she isn't from ZAFT, and Fllay shouts out that they are all the same because they're Coordinators. Lacus says she is a civilian like Fllay, and Fllay says they're not alike at all and can never be friends. After Kira and Lacus leave, Kuzzey asks Fllay if she is a member of Blue Cosmos, and she says she isn't. However, she doesn't think that what they believe is wrong. She thinks that Coordinators go against nature and that their very existence is wrong. Lacus tells Kira she is lonely, and he tells her there are people on the ship who don't like Coordinators. She tells him he has been nice to her, and he says it's because he's a Coordinator too. On the bridge, Romero Pal picks up the Alliance's 8th fleet, commanded by Admiral Lewis C. Harverton. The fleet is sending out a signal for the Archangel, and it is not too far away. The bridge crew rejoice because they can finally rendezvous with their forces. Ssigh tells Kira not to worry, and they hear Lacus singing. Ssigh says she has a beautiful voice, but he then writes it off as being part of the genetic engineering. On the Vesalius, Ades tells Raww that they've picked up an Alliance fleet. Raww decides to divert from the Lacus mission because he wants to intercept the Archangel before it meets that fleet. He tells Ades he doesn't want to be the laughingstock of future historians. Ssigh tells Fllay that her father is part of the fleet and will be meeting them. Kira goes down to the hangar to work on the Strike Gundam with Murdock. The Archangel sets course for the fleet, and Lacus wonders where they're going.

Episode 9: Disappearing Light

On the Archangel, Miriallia heads for the public bathroom to take a shower. She finds Fllay there applying cream to her face, and Fllay explains that she has to look good when she meets her father since he is the Vice Minister of the Atlantic Alliance. On the bridge, Murrue receives a hail from the advance escort ship Montgomery. The captain tells Murrue that the Archangel will be under their command after the rendezvous. George Allster tells Murrue that he's glad she rescued civilians, and he says he looks forward to seeing Fllay. In the hangar, Murdock finds Kira working on the Strike Gundam. Kira tells Murdock that he's adjusting the calibration of various parts, but he wonders if it will be necessary anymore after they meet with the Alliance fleet. Murdock tells him to keep doing it until the rendezvous because it's his job. Elsewhere, Lacus sings with Haro in her quarters. On the Vesalius, Raww informs Athrun that they will be attacking the Alliance escort fleet before the Archangel meets up with them. He knows that the mission to find Lacus is important, but he thinks this is the more immediate concern. On the Archangel, Pal informs Murrue that they've picked up the Montgomery, Bernard and Law on radar, but the radar is suddenly jammed. On the Vesalius, three GINNs launch from the hangar, followed by Athrun's Aegis Gundam. The GINNs then sneak up on the Montgomery and begin their attack run. Athrun dodges fire from the ships and destroys several Mobiuses. The Montgomery's captain launches his Mobiuses and sends a message to Murrue to cancel the rendezvous, but she decides to help him. The battle alert is sounded, and Kira finds Lacus outside her room again. He asks her to stay inside and not come out during the battle. Kira runs into Fllay, and she asks him what's going on. He tells her he doesn't know any details about the battle, and she worries about her father. He promises her that nothing bad will happen because he's going out to fight as well.

The GINNs continue their attack and destroy the Bernard. George thinks that it's a sick joke that they are being shot down by one of their own units. Mwu launches in his Mobius Zero and heads for the battle. As the Aile parts are loaded onto the Strike Gundam, Ssigh reminds Kira that Fllay's father is on the Montgomery. Athrun transforms to mobile armor mode and uses his Scylla cannon to blast a hole through the Law. He then transforms again when Kira attacks. They both fire their beam rifles, but each dodges the other's attack. They then switch to beam sabers for close combat as the fighting continues around them. Mwu destroys a GINN, but another one damages his Mobius Zero and forces him to return to the Archangel. Fllay runs up to the bridge and asks if her father is okay. Murrue tells her that they are in the middle of a battle and orders her off the bridge. The Law explodes in front of them, and Fllay panics. Ssigh escorts her off the bridge, and Fllay wonders where Kira is. She tells Ssigh that Kira promised her he'd save her father. Ssigh grabs her as the ship rocks from an explosion, but she screams at him to let go of her. She then hears Lacus singing and runs into her quarters. Kira continues to fight Athrun while the GINNs cause more damage to the Montgomery. The ship's captain pleads with George to get off the ship on an escape pod. Fllay drags Lacus to the bridge and tells Murrue to pass along the message that she will kill Lacus if ZAFT attacks her father's ship. The Vesalius fires at the Montgomery and destroys it. Fllay begins to scream wildly, and Murrue is distracted. Natarle contacts the Vesalius and explains that they are holding Lacus hostage but can no longer guarantee her safety. Raww thinks such a move was made in poor taste, but he orders his forces to withdraw. Ssigh watches over a catatonic Fllay while Lacus is escorted back to her quarters.

Episode 10: Divided Paths

Raww orders Ades to have the Vesalius withdraw from the battle. Athrun asks Kira if it's his idea of justice to fight with cowards who would use innocent civilians as hostages. He vows he will rescue Lacus and then flies away. Murrue doesn't think that what Natarle did helped much, but Natarle says it will give them time to escape and rethink their strategy. Raww sees that they won't be able to make a move until they rendezvous with the Gamow. Kira returns to the ship, and repairs immediately begin on the Strike Gundam and Mobius Zero. Kira asks Mwu if using civilians as hostages is what the Alliance does. Mwu tells him that it's not their place to question what Murrue and Natarle do. Fllay wakes up and starts screaming, demanding to know where her father is. Miriallia comes in with water bottles and drops them when she sees Fllay crying in Ssigh's arms. The water bottles keep the sliding door open, and Kira walks in. Fllay yells at Kira and asks him why he didn't save her father. She accuses him of not fighting seriously because he was fighting other Coordinators. Kira runs away and passes Kuzzey in the hall as he goes to the rear observation window. He cries out alone and is surprised when Lacus shows up. On the Vesalius, Raww gets out of the shower and takes some pills. He is told by Ades that he has a call from Athrun's father Patrick, and he doesn't see why they have to go through so much trouble over one girl. Kira tells Lacus that she needs to stay in her room or people will think she's a spy. She says that she only went out because Haro likes going out on walks. Kira tells her that he doesn't want to fight because he's a Coordinator and Athrun is his friend. Lacus says that Athrun is a good person, and Kira is shocked to hear that she will be marrying Athrun. Kuzzey overhears them and then leaves. Lacus tells Kira that Athrun built Haro, and Kira tells her that Athrun also built Torii. In the cafeteria, Ssigh, Miriallia and Tolle discuss how Fllay went too far in what she said. Ssigh says he knows how hard Kira is fighting, and Kuzzey comes in and says he wonders if that's true. He tells everyone what he overheard about Athrun being Kira's friend as well as the pilot of the Aegis Gundam.

At night, Kira sits in his bed with Torii and realizes that the situation isn't right. He creeps through the ship's corridors to Lacus's room and asks her to quietly come with him. Ssigh and Miriallia see them in the hallway and ask what they're doing. Kira asks that they stay out of his way and not get involved. Ssigh says that only a villain would kidnap a girl, so he agrees to help Kira. Kira takes Lacus to a room to put on a spacesuit, and he is embarrassed when she takes her dress off in front of him. They then go over to the Strike Gundam in the hangar, and Lacus tells Ssigh and Miriallia that she hopes to meet them again someday. Murdock comes into the hangar and asks them what they're doing. Ssigh asks Kira if he's coming back, and Kira promises that he definitely will. Kira activates the Strike Gundam and launches before anyone can do anything. Raww orders a battle alert, and Kira calls Raww and says he is handing over Lacus. He explains that his conditions are that the Vesalius must not move and that only Athrun can come out. Ades doesn't think it's a good idea for Athrun to go out, but Raww approves it and orders Ades to prepare his CGUE for combat. Natarle wants to shoot at Kira for acting on his own, and Mwu tells her if they do that Kira will fire at them. Athrun launches in the Aegis Gundam and meets Kira in space. Kira tells Athrun to get out of his cockpit and asks Lacus to speak so that Athrun knows it's her. Lacus goes over to Athrun, and Athrun asks Kira to come with him. Athrun asks what reason he has to stay with the Alliance, and Kira says he wants to protect his friends. As Athrun is about to leave, Raww launches in his CGUE, followed by Mwu in his Mobius Zero. Lacus orders Raww to stop, and he reluctantly obeys and returns to the Vesalius. Mwu doesn't know what happened, and he and Kira return to the Archangel. In her room, Fllay says to herself that she doesn't want to die.