Handfasting is a Neopagan (especially Wiccan) term for a wedding. It can be performed for heterosexual or homosexual couples (see also Same-sex marriage).

Some handfastings are also legal marriage ceremonies, but others are only recognized by the Neopagan community and not the state. Handfastings vary as greatly as non-Pagan weddings do.

Not all handfastings are for life. Some handfastings are for a "year and a day", and the relationship is renewed annually.

Usually, at least a few of the following are involved that set handfastings apart from other wedding ceremonies:

  • jumping the broom
  • binding of the hands
  • drinking from a chalice
  • performance of the ceremony skyclad
  • performance of the ceremony by a High Priest or High Priestess or both
  • three-part kiss or five-part kiss
  • the Great Rite
  • creation of a marriage altar beforehand

A corresponding divorce ceremony called a handparting is sometimes practiced.