Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Scrophulariales
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Genus: Hebe
  Hebe acutiflora
  Hebe affinis
  Hebe albicans
  Hebe andersonii
  Hebe buxifolia
  Hebe cupressoides
  Hebe franciscana
  Hebe ochracea
  Hebe pauciramosa
  Hebe pinguifolia
  Hebe speciosa
  Hebe stricta
  Hebe trisepala
  Hebe venustula
  Hebe xfranciscana
Hebe is a genus of plants native to New Zealand. There are over 100 species of hebes. They have rows of leaves, which are arranged in pairs, each pair perpendicular to the leaves below it. Their flowers are composed of many smaller flowerlets.

The plants range in size from dwarf shrubs to small trees up to 7 metres. They grow throughout the country, and are cultivated in many gardens and public areas. Hebes cope with most soil types, and can be propagated easily from both cuttings and seedlings.

Hebe pauciramosa in the Dunedin botanical gardens.

Close up of flowers and leaves of another Hebe species.