Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language or (KQML) is a language and protocol, based on SGML, for exchanging information and knowledge, proposed in 1993.

Work on KQML is led by Tim Finin of the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Lab for Advanced Information Technology. It is part of the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort.

The KQML message format and protocol can be used to interact with an intelligent system, either by an application program, or by another intelligent system. KQML's "performatives" are operations that agents perform on each other's knowledge and goal stores. Higher-level interactions such as contract nets and negotiation are built using these. KQML's "communication facilitators" coordinate the interactions of other agents to support knowledge sharing.

Experimental prototype systems support concurrent engineering, intelligent design, intelligent planning, and scheduling.

External links

To do: Confirm proposal 1993, KQM led by Tim Finin'

This article (or an earlier version of it) contains material from FOLDOC, used with permission.