In the Yoga tradition, this creative catalyst, or energy of your highest potential, is called Kundalini. Some have called this "spirit rising", or the motivating, evolutionary force within us.

I'm sure at times you've experienced sudden inspiration, the ability to complete complicated tasks easily, or clear insights which give your life direction and meaning. Possibly you've played a tennis match beyond your normal capacity, written a beautiful poem in a seemingly effortless way; or for no discernible reason, felt a kind of exaltation in light of which your most pressing problems look small. These are all indicative of an experience which is a legacy guaranteed to each of us.

The key word here is experience. It's been said, "If you haven't experienced something it's not true." So, it's one thing to read endless books on philosophy, self-improvement, and spirituality; in fact this may constitute an important first step. The real results though, come to those who honestly work on themselves systematically and consciously. What Kundalini Yoga offers is a technology which can help you be the best that you can be. Many of us who have been practicing these techniques have seen that if you get everything covered, by bringing health and balance to your body, mind and being, then you will be covered; the Universe will underwrite your efforts. In other words, things will fall into place for you.

Kundalini yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It helps you understand what you need to improve the quality of your life. Also, Kundalini Yoga supplies the energy and focus to attain and maintain these things.

The effects of Kundalini yoga vary somewhat with each practitioner, or more accurately each person will probably be aware of certain benefits given his / her needs and expectations.