A link is a connection, e.g.:
  • a physical connection such as a road, railroad, cable, pipeline
  • a connection by radio waves, etc.
  • In hypertext, a hyperlink, i.e. a provision for moving from one webpage to another, where the URL is specified only in making this provision, not in applying it; similarly for an other set of pages (not necessarily on Internet), such as articles in an electronic encyclopedia.
  • the communications facilities between adjacent nodes of a network.
  • a portion of a circuit connected in tandem with, i.e. , in series with, other portions.
  • a radio path between two points, called a radio link.
  • a conceptual circuit, i.e. , logical circuit, between two users of a network, that enables the users to communicate, even when different physical paths are used.
  • In computer programming, link means to take separately compiled object code modules, at least one of which refers to an address in another, and substitute the actual addresses of routines in the other module for placeholders.
  • (capitalized) a Nintendo video game character from the Legend of Zelda series. Link also appeared in Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and the Nintendo GameCube version of Soul Calibur II.
  • In knot theory a link is several knots (possibly including the unknot) which may be linked together. These are the components of the link. If they are not linked, they are said to be unlinked, but they are still referred to as a link. Likewise a knot may be called a link, even though it has only one component.

Note 1: In all cases, the type of link, such as data link, downlink, duplex link, fiber optic link, line-of-sight link, point-to-point link, radio link and satellite link, should be identified.

Note 2: A link may be simplex, half-duplex, or duplex.
