See list of mathematical topics for the purpose and extent of this list.

A-C - D-F - G-I - J-L - M-O - P-R - S-U - V-Z


P-adic analysis -- P-adic number -- P-adic numbers -- P-group -- P-symmetry -- P-vector -- Painter's algorithm -- Palatini action -- Palindrome -- Palindromic number -- Parabola -- Paraboloid -- Paracompact -- Paraconsistent logics -- Parallax -- Parallel postulate -- Parallel transport -- Parallelepiped -- Parallelogram -- Parallelogram law -- Parameter -- Parametrization -- Pareto distribution -- Pareto interpolation -- Parity -- Parity bit -- Parseval's identity Pathological (mathematics) -- Partial derivative -- Partial differential equation -- Partial fraction -- Partial fraction decomposition over R -- Partial fractions in integration -- Partial function -- Partial order -- Partially ordered set -- Particle in a box -- Partition function (number theory) -- Partition (mathematics) -- Partition of a set -- Partition of unity -- Partizan game -- Party-list proportional representation -- Pascal, Blaise -- Pascal programming language -- Password length equation -- Pasta, John -- Path -- Path integral -- Path-connected topological space -- Payoff matrix -- P-complete -- Peano axioms -- Peano curve -- Peano, Giuseppe -- Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient -- Pedal triangle -- Pell's equation -- Penrose, Roger -- Penrose stairs -- Penrose tiling -- Penrose triangle -- Pentagonal number theorem -- Pentomino -- Percentage -- Perfect crystal -- Perfect matching -- Perfect number -- Perfect square -- Perimeter -- Period -- Perelman, Grigori -- Permanent -- Permutation -- Permutation group -- Permutation matrix -- Perrin pseudoprime -- Perron Integral -- Perspective -- Perspective distortion -- Perturbation theory -- Pervouchine -- Pervushin -- Pervushin, Ivan Mikheevich -- Petersen graph -- Petersen, Julius -- Peter-Weyl theorem -- Phase diagram -- Phase velocity -- Phase (waves) -- Phasor -- Phenomenology -- Philolaus -- Philosophy of mathematics -- Photon -- Physical constants -- Physical geodesy -- Physics -- Pi -- Pi Approximation Day -- Pi Day -- Picard -- Picard, Charles Emile -- Pick's theorem Talk:Pick's theorem - PID controller -- Pigeonhole principle -- Pincherle derivative -- Pisanski, Tomas -- Pitman-Koopman-Darmois theorem -- Planar graph -- Planck, Max -- Plane -- Plane geometry -- Plane wave -- PlanetMath -- Planning statistical research -- Plano-convex -- Plateau's problem -- Platonic solid -- Playfair cipher -- Plemelj, Josip -- Plotting -- Plücker, Julius -- Pluperfect number -- Pochhammer symbol -- Poincaré conjecture -- Poincaré, Henri -- Poincaré group -- Point estimation -- Pointless topology -- Pointwise convergence -- Poisson -- Poisson bracket -- Poisson distribution -- Poisson equation -- Poisson process -- Poisson, Siméon-Denis -- Poisson's equation -- Poisson summation formula -- Polar coordinates -- Polar distance -- Pole -- Pole (complex analysis) -- Polya, George -- Polyamonds -- Polychoron -- Polydivisible number -- Polygamma function -- Polygon -- Polygonal number -- Polyhedral compound -- Polyhedral dice -- Polyhedron -- Polynomial -- Polynomial interpolation -- Polynomial long division -- Polynomial sequence -- Polynomial time -- Polynomial-time many-one reduction -- Polynomial-time Turing reduction -- Polyomino -- Polysquare puzzle -- Polytope -- Poncelet, Jean-Victor -- Poncelet-Steiner theorem -- Pontrjagin class -- Pontryagin duality -- Population process -- Positive -- Positive definite -- Post correspondence problem -- Post machine -- Post-order traversal -- Post system -- Power -- Power associativity -- Power center -- Power law -- Power (mathematics) -- Power series -- Power set -- Power-associative -- Powerful number -- Powers, R. E -- Pre-Abelian category -- Preadditive category -- Precession -- Predicate calculus -- Predicate logic -- Prenex normal form -- Pre-order traversal -- Presburger arithmetic -- Presentation of a group -- Prevalence -- Primality test -- Prime factor -- Prime factorization algorithm -- Prime ideal -- Prime knot -- Prime number -- Prime number theorem -- Prime-factor FFT algorithm -- Prime reciprocal magic square -- Primeval number -- Primitive equations -- Primitive pseudoperfect number -- Primitive recursive function -- Primitive root modulo n -- Primitive semiperfect number -- Primorials -- Prim's algorithm -- Principal components analysis -- Principal homogeneous space -- Principal ideal -- Principal ideal domain -- Principle of Maximum Entropy -- Prism -- Prism (geometry) -- Prismatoid -- Prisoner's dilemma -- Private key -- Probabilist -- Probabilistic algorithm -- Probabilistic method -- Probabilistic Turing Machine -- Probability -- Probability and statistics -- Probability axioms -- Probability density function -- Probability distribution -- Probability interpretations -- Probability space -- Probability theory -- Probability-generating function -- Probable prime -- Problem size -- Product (category theory) -- Product (mathematics) -- Product of groups -- Product of rings -- Product rule -- Product topology -- Pro-finite group -- Prognostic variable -- Programming -- Programming language -- Projective geometry -- Projective module -- Projective plane -- Projective representation -- Projective space -- Prony equation -- Proof by exhaustion -- Proof of Bertrand's postulate -- Proof theory -- Proofs of Fermat's little theorem -- Propagation constant -- Properly discontinuous -- Proportional -- Propositional logic -- Prototile -- Pseudoprime -- Pseudo-random number -- Pseudorandom number generator -- Pseudorandom number sequence -- Pseudorandomness -- Pseudosphere -- PSL(2,7) -- PSPACE -- PSPACE-complete -- Psychological statistics -- PTIME -- Public key algorithm -- Public key cryptography -- Puiseux, Alexandre -- Pumping lemma -- Punctured neighborhood -- Purple code -- Pushdown automaton -- Putnam Competition -- Putzer, E.J -- Pyramid -- Pythagoras -- Pythagorean theorem -- Pythagorean triple -- Pythagorean tuning -- Pythagoreans --


Q.E.D -- Quadratic equation -- Quadratic form -- Quadratic formula -- Quadratic function -- Quadratic programming -- Quadratic reciprocity -- Quadratic residue -- Quadrature -- Quadric -- Quadrilateral -- Quantile -- Quantization -- Quantum state -- Quantum superposition -- Quartic equation -- Quartic function -- Quartile -- Quasi-empiricism in mathematics -- Quasicrystal -- Quasigroup -- Quasiperfect number -- Quater-imaginary base -- Quaternion -- Quaternion group -- Quaternions and spatial rotation -- Quefrency -- Quetelet Adolphe -- Queueing theory -- Quicksort -- Quillen -- Quillen, Daniel -- Quincunx -- Quine-McCluskey algorithm -- Quintic equation -- Quintic function -- Quiver (mathematics) -- Quotient field -- Quotient rule -- Quotient space --


RHS -- Rabin, Michael O -- Rader's FFT algorithm -- Radian -- Radical (mathematics) -- Radical of an ideal -- Radiometric dating -- Radius -- Radius of convergence -- Radix -- Radon, Johann -- Radon-Nikodym derivative -- Raising factorial -- Ramanujan -- Ramanujan, Srinivasa Aaiyangar -- Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture -- Ramanujan-Soldner constant -- Ramification -- Ramsey, Frank P -- Ramsey theorem -- Ramsey theory -- Random variable -- Random walk -- Random walk Monte Carlo -- Randomness -- Range encoder -- Rank-nullity theorem -- Rank of an abelian group -- Rank of a matrix -- Rank-into-rank -- Rankine-Hugoniot equation -- Rao-Blackwell theorem -- Rate distortion theory -- Ratio -- Ratio test -- Rational function -- Rational number -- Rational root theorem -- Raven paradox -- Ray transfer matrix analysis -- Rayleigh quotient -- RC4 -- RC6 encryption algorithm -- Real analysis -- Real closed field -- Real computation -- Real data type -- Real line -- Real number -- Receiver operating characteristic -- Reconstruction conjecture -- Recreational mathematics -- Rectangle -- Rectifiable curve -- Recurrence -- Recurrence relation -- Recursion -- Recursive set -- Recursive function -- Recursive language -- Recursively enumerable set -- Recursively enumerable language -- Red-black tree -- Reductio ad absurdum -- Reed, Irving -- Reed-Solomon code -- Reflection -- Reflection (mathematics) -- Reflexive property of equality -- Reflexive relation -- Reflexive space -- Regiomontanus -- Regression toward the mean -- Regular cardinal -- Regular expression -- Regular expressions -- Regular grammar -- Regular graph -- Regular language -- Regular representation -- Regular space -- Rejewski, Marian -- Relational algebra -- Relational model -- Relative compactness -- Relative frequency -- Relative complement -- Relatively prime -- Relaxation technique -- Relevant logic -- Removable singularity -- Rendezvous problem -- Renormalization group -- Repdigit -- Representation theory -- Representation of Lie algebras -- Representations of Lie groups/algebras -- Repunit -- Residue (complex analysis) -- Residue theorem -- Resonance -- Restricted product -- Rhind Papyrus -- Rhombicuboctahedron -- Rhombus -- Rhumb line -- Ribet -- Ribet, Ken A -- Riccati equations -- Ricci curvature -- Ricci flow -- Riccati, Jacopo Francesco -- Riccati, Vincenzo -- Rice's theorem -- Riemann -- Riemann, Bernhard -- Riemann hypothesis -- Riemann integration -- Riemann mapping theorem -- Riemann sphere -- Riemann-Stieltjes integral -- Riemann surface -- Riemann zeta function -- Riemannian geometry -- Riemannian manifold -- Riemann-Roch theorem -- Riese, Adam -- Riesel number -- Riesz representation theorem -- Rig (algebra) -- Rigged Hilbert space -- Right circular cone -- Right quotient -- Ring homomorphism -- Ring ideal -- Ring (mathematics) -- Ring theory -- RIPEMD-160 -- Risch algorithm -- Roberval, Gilles Personne de -- Robertson-Seymour theorem -- Robot control -- Rolle, Michel -- Rollin Papyrus -- Roman numerals -- Roman surface -- Root finding algorithm -- Root (mathematics) -- Root mean square -- Root of unity -- Root system -- Rotation -- Rotation group -- Roth, Klaus -- Route inspection problem -- Row space -- RP -- RSA -- RSA number -- RSA-100 -- RSA-110 -- RSA-120 -- RSA-129 -- RSA-130 -- RSA-140 -- RSA-150 -- RSA-155 -- RSA-160 -- RSA-170 -- RSA-180 -- RSA-190 -- RSA-200 -- RSA-210 -- RSA-220 -- RSA-230 -- RSA-232 -- RSA-240 -- RSA-250 -- RSA-260 -- RSA-270 -- RSA-280 -- RSA-290 -- RSA-300 -- RSA-309 -- RSA-310 -- RSA-320 -- RSA-330 -- RSA-340 -- RSA-350 -- RSA-360 -- RSA-370 -- RSA-380 -- RSA-390 -- RSA-400 -- RSA-410 -- RSA-420 -- RSA-430 -- RSA-440 -- RSA-450 -- RSA-460 -- RSA-470 -- RSA-480 -- RSA-490 -- RSA-500 -- RSA-576 -- RSA-617 -- RSA-640 -- RSA-704 -- RSA-768 -- RSA-896 -- RSA-1024 -- RSA-1536 -- RSA-2048 -- Rubik's cube -- Ruler-and-compass constructions -- Runge, Carle David Tolme -- Runge-Kutta methods -- Runge's phenomenon -- Run-length encoding -- Russell, Bertrand -- Russell's paradox --