In Spanish and Catalan, the Ll combination stands for the sound /ʎ/ (a palatal /l/). In Spanish it is pronounced /j/ in many regions, or more rarely /ʒ/. In Catalan, it is distinguished from a double L which is represented by "l.l".

In Albanian, the position is the reverse of Spanish, with an Albanian written Ll having a standard /l/ sound, while an Albanian written L is liquid.

In Welsh, Ll stands for a voiceless lateral fricative sound, found also in Navajo, where it is written as crossed l and in some (north-west) caucasian languages where it is spelled l followed by the hard sign (cyrillic alphabet). The IPA signifies this sound as l with belt (may or may not render as ɬ). This sound is very common in place names because it occurs in the word Llan, a church, and Welsh placenames are therefore very often sadly mispronounced by English speakers, especially those from outside the British Isles.