Lumbago is a symptom which may be defined as a mid to lower back pain which may extend to the buttocks, thigh(s) and leg(s) in either a uni- or bi- lateral fashion (if/when the lower limb is involved the symptom is termed sciatica rather than lumbago).

Lumbago may also be accompanied by other symptoms and signs such as loss of sensation (usually the sole of the foot and posterior aspect of the calf region) and motor function (usually loss of plantar flexion of the foot and toes as well as a diminished ankle jerk reflex) in some areas and back stiffness (pain and rigidity upon movement of the lumbrosacral part of the spine).

Other signs include reduced ability to walk or raise ones foot once straightened.

One of the most common causes of lumbago is a herniated intervertebral disk between the L5/S1 vertebrae affecting the S1 root of the sciatic nerve.

Management of lumbago includes the use of NSAIDs, physiotherapy and bed rest. In severe cases where there may be permanent loss of function of the limb(s) involved, surgical options may be considered.

See also: sciatica