The logical fallacy of misleading vividness involves describing some occurrence in vivid detail, even if it is an exceptional occurrence, to convince someone that it is a problem. Though misleading vividness does nothing to support an argument logically, it can have a very strong psychological effect.


  1. Anne: "I am giving up extreme sports now that I have children. I think I will take up golf". Bill: "I wouldn't do that. Do you remember Charles. He was playing golf when he got hit by a golf-cart. It broke his leg, and he fell over giving himself concussion. He was in hospital for a week and still walks with a limp. I would stick to paragliding!"
  2. Bill: "Police marksmen should use tasers instated of guns when it's safe to do so". Anne: "Can you imagine what would happen if those darts from the taser went into your eyes, piercing your eye-balls, then they sent the high voltage through your eyes and brain! It would probably kill you and be worse than being shot."