In computing, a mouse gesture is a way of moving the computer mouse in a certain predefined way, which the software recognizes as a specific command. Mouse gestures are used to provide quick access to common functions of a computer application. They are also useful for people who have difficuly typing on a keyboard.

For example, in a web browser, the user could navigate to the previously viewed page by clicking the right mouse button and moving the mouse to the left, then releasing the button. The way the gestures are recognized is different with each implementation, sometimes allowing for very short mouse movement distances to be recognized as gestures, and sometimes requiring very exact emulation of a certain movement pattern (e.g. circle). Some implementations allow user customization of these factors. Mouse gestures are currently implemented in Opera and Mozilla.

Some computer and video games have used mouse gestures. For example, in the Myth real-time strategy series, originally created by Bungie Software, players use them to order battlefield units to move in a desired direction. Another game using mouse gestures is Lionhead's Black and White.

See also:

External links

  • Sensiva is a general mouse gesture solution for Windows systems.
  • OptiMoz adds mouse gesture and/or pie menu support to Mozilla.