The neutrality of this article is disputed.

Neutrosophy is a theory developed by Florentin Smarandache following on from the work of Basarab Nicolescu and Stéphane Lupasco. This theory considers every notion or idea together with its opposite or negation and the spectrum of "neutralities" (i.e. notions or ideas located between the two extremes, supporting neither nor ). The and ideas together are referred to as . The theory claims that every idea tends to be neutralized and balanced by and ideas - as a state of equilibrium.

Expositions of neutrosophy might be difficult to understand, since Smarandache (as "leader of paradoxism") is fond of paradoxes, such as "All is possible, the impossible too!". In addition, Smarandache employs unusual grammatical constructions, leading to paragraphs such as:

"Human being is un organized chaos, endowed with abyssal reason, limited senses, and unbounded irrationalism. All is of continuous and transcendental field. Nor even phenomena are totally derivated ones from others, and there is effect without cause because the irrational has its act empire".
Smarandache, pg53 of "A Unifying Field..."

Despite the rhetorical inventiveness of Smarandache, neutrosophy has yet to make the impact he feels it deserves.

Table of contents
1 Origins
2 Extensions
3 Applications
4 Some Simple Advantages Of Reasoning In Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Logic
5 See also
6 References
7 External links


Neutrosophy, neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic sets, etc., were invented in the 1980s by Smarandache, after he coined the word from the Latin neuter and the Greek sophia, to mean "knowledge of neutral thought".

Smarandache promotes neutrosophy heavily. He organized the "First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Set, Probability and Statistics" in 2001 and published the conference's proceedings. One book about neutrosophy was published by American Research Press, a small publisher closely aligned with Smarandache. Additionally, some articles by Smarandache and Jean Dezert were included in the Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic, Volume 8, Number 3, issue dedicated to neutrosophy and neutrosophic logic, and Numbers 5-6. This journal is now known as the Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing. Other journals that published on neutrosophics are International Journal of Social Economics (University of California at Fresno), Libertas Mathematica (University of Texas at Arlington), Proceedings of the Second Symposium / Romanian Academy of Scientists, American Branch (City University of New York), Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania), Abstracts of papers presented to the International Congress of Mathematicians (Beijing, China) and Abstracts of papers presented to the meetings of the American Mathematical Society (University of California at Santa Barbara meeting).


Smarandache extended neutrosophy to neutrosophic logic (or Smarandache logic), neutrosophic sets, and so forth.

In bivalent logic, the truth value of a proposition is given by either one (true), or zero (false). Neutrosophic logic is a multi-valued logic, in which the truth values are given by an amount of truth, an amount of falsehood, and an amount of indeterminacy. Each of these values is between 0 and 1. In addition, the values may vary over time, space, hidden parameters, etc. Further, these values can be ranges.

In the neutrosophic logic every logical variable x is described by an ordered triple x = (T, I, F) where T is the degree of truth, F is the degree of false and I the level of indeterminacy.

(A) To maintain consistency with the classical and fuzzy logics and with probability there is the special case where T + I + F = 1.

(B) But to refer to intuitionistic logic, which means incomplete information on a variable proposition or event one has T + I + F < 1.

(C) Analogically referring to Paraconsistent logic, which means contradictory sources of information about a same logical variable, proposition or event one has T + I + F > 1.

Thus the advantage of using Neutrosophic logic is that this logic distinguishes in philosophy between relative truth that is a truth in one or a few worlds only noted by 1 and absolute truth denoted by 1+. Likewise neutrosophic logic distinguishes between relative falsehood, noted by 0 and absolute falsehood noted by -0 in non-standard analysis.

For example, a neutrosophic answer to the question "Is the pope a Catholic?" might be "80-90% true, 36-42% false, and 2-7% indeterminate". Note that these values need not sum to 100%. Smarandache claims that it can serve as a generalization of many other logics, such as: fuzzy logic, intuitionistic logic, paraconsistent logic, boolean logic, etc.

In neutrosophic set theory, propositions of the form "x is an element of S" are answered in terms of neutrosophic truth values. Hence, each element has a membership-degree, an indeterminacy-degree, and a non-membership degree. These are claimed to generalise paraconsistent sets and intuitionistic sets, amongst others.


As examples of application of neutrosophy in information fusion in finance there are some papers by Dr. M. Khoshnevisan, Dr. S. Bhattacharya and Dr. F. Smarandache, where the fuzzy theory doesn't work because fuzzy theory has only two components, truth and falsehood, while the neutrosophy has three components: truth, falsehood, and indeterminacy (or , , and ), papers about investments which are: Conservative and security-oriented (risk shy), Chance-oriented and progressive (risk happy), or Growth-oriented and dynamic (risk neutral). See the paper "Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Systems and Time Allocation of Money", pp. 5-23, in their book "Artificial Intelligence and Responsive Optimization" at

Proponents of neutrosophy claim that in any field where there is indeterminacy, unknown, hidden parameters, imprecision, sorites paradoxes, high conflict between sources of information, non-exhaustive or non-exclusive elements of the frame of discernment, etc., then neutrosophy could in theory be applied.

More applications of neutrosophics:
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) are fuzzy structures that strongly resemble neural networks, and they have powerful and far-reaching consequences as a mathematical tool for modeling complex systems. Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs) are generalizations of FCMs, and their unique feature is the ability to handle indeterminacy in relations between two concepts thereby bringing greater sensitivity into the results.
Some of the varied applications of FCMs and NCMs include: modeling of supervisory systems; design of hybrid models for complex systems; mobile robots and in intimate technology such as office plants; analysis of business performance assessment; formalism debate and legal rules; creating metabolic and regulatory network models; traffic and transportation problems; medical diagnostics; simulation of strategic planning process in intelligent systems; specific language impairment; web-mining inference application; child labor problem; industrial relations: between employer and employee, maximizing production and profit; decision support in intelligent intrusion detection system; hyper-knowledge representation in strategy formation; female infanticide; depression in terminally ill patients and finally, in the theory of community mobilization and women empowerment relative to the AIDS epidemic. See Dr. W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy from Indian Institute of Technology in Madras and Dr. F. Smarandache's book Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps at

The concept of only fuzzy cognitive maps are dealt which mainly deals with the relation / non-relation between two nodes or concepts but it fails to deal the relation between two conceptual nodes when the relation is an indeterminate one. Neutrosophic logic is the tool known to us, which deals with the notions of indeterminacy. Suppose in a legal issue the jury or the judge cannot always prove the evidence in a case, in several places we may not be able to derive any conclusions from the existing facts because of which we cannot make a conclusion that no relation exists or otherwise. But existing relation is an indeterminate. So in the case when the concept of indeterminacy exists the judgment ought to be very carefully analyzed be it a civil case or a criminal case. FCMs are deployed only where the existence or non-existence is dealt with but however in the Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps we will deal with the notion of indeterminacy of the evidence also. Thus legal side has lot of Neutrosophic (NCM) applications. Also, NCMs can be used to study factors as varied as stock markets, medical diagnosis, etc.

Some Simple Advantages Of Reasoning In Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Logic

The traditional form of reasoning in logic and automated reasoning is severely limited in that it cannot be used to represent many circumstances. In this paper, we demonstrate two simple examples of the superiority of intuitionistic neutrosophic logic in representing the data of the real world.

The Definition of Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Logic

Intuitionistic neutrosophic logic is an extension of fuzzy logic, where the elements are assigned a four-tuple (t, i, f, u) representation of their truth value. t is the value of truth, i the value of indeterminacy, f the value of false and u is the degree to which the circumstances are unknown. The sum of the four terms is 1.0 and all are greater than or equal to zero, which maintains consistency with the classical and fuzzy logics. The logical connectives of and (/\\), or (\\/) and not () can be defined in several ways, but here we will use the definitions used by Ashbacher to define INL2[1].

Definition 1: (t1, i1, f1, u1) = (f1, i1, t1, u1)

(t1, i1, f1, u1) /\\ (t2, i2, f2, u2) = ( t = min{t1 ,t2 }, i = 1 – t – f – u, f = max{f1 ,f2 }, u = min{ u1 ,u2 } )

(t1, i1, f1, u1) \\/ (t2, i2, f2, u2) = (t = max{t1 ,t2 }, i = 1 – t – f – u, f = min{f1 ,f2 }, u = min{ u1 ,u2 } )

It is easy to verify that the elements of INL2 are closed with respect to these definitions of the basic logical connectives. Furthermore, many of the algebraic properties such as the associative and commutative laws also hold for these definitions.

An Example of Clauses In Automated Reasoning

In automated reasoning, facts are defined by stating instances of a predicate. For example, in Wos[2], the clause


is used to represent that Kim is a female. A set of clauses is then developed which stores the knowledge of all persons who are female. Clauses such as


are used to represent that John is a male. A query to the database of facts will have a form similar to


which is asking the question, “Is Kim female?” In standard reasoning, the response would be a yes or a true if the database of facts contains a clause of the form


or there is a line of reasoning that leads to the conclusion that Kim is female.

In the case where there is no such fact or line of reasoning, the response would be no or false. Therefore, a negative response could be a no that was inferred from the data or a case where Kim does not appear in the database of females. The difference between these two conditions is substantial and the INL2 allows for them to be distinguished. If any form of knowledge can be inferred about the query, the value returned would be computed from the values. In the case where there is no information about the clause, the value returned by the query would be (0,0,0,1), which could be interpreted as unknown or unsupported by the facts. This value can then be considered the default for all items not in the database.

Using Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Logic In The Representation of Gender

In his book, Wos[2] uses the fact


to infer that Kim is female. Such rigid, two gender representations are in fact inaccurate. According to the Intersex Society of North America ( approximately 1 in 2000 children are born with a condition of “ambiguous” external genitalia. The condition ranges in a continuous manner from slight differences from the standard structure to complete, functioning sets of male and female reproductive systems.

Intersex conditions cannot be represented by the classical reasoning, for example if a person has the functioning sex organs of both gender, then to say either FEMALE(x) or MALE(x) is true is to arbitrarily assign a gender. Fuzzy systems are also of little value, for if MALE(x) and FEMALE(x) are both assigned values of 0.50, then the data supports the notion that the person is half male and half female. This is just as inaccurate, as the person is simultaneously of both sexes rather than made up of parts of both.

These ambiguities are easy to describe using intuitionistic neutrosophic logic. By assigning a nonzero value to the indeterminate value, it is then possible to represent the full spectrum of possible genders. For example, a value of (0, 1, 0, 0) assigned to FEMALE(Jane) could mean that Jane has complete sets of both sex organs.

See also


  1. C. Ashbacher, Introduction to Neutrosophic Logic, American Research Press, 2002.
  2. L. Wos, Auomated Reasoning: 33 Basic Research Problems, Prentice-Hall, 1988.

External links