Title of song: No Compute

Artist: Funkadelic

Title of album: Cosmic Slop

Year of first release: 1973


The song is upbeat and keyboard-driven.

Complete tabs at [external site with complete tabs]

Songwriters: George Clinton, Garry Shider

Memorable Lyrics:

  • "...I slid into my copping haberdashery/And gave into the original jones: sex."
  • "The hornies occupied my being"
  • "She screamed and said, 'Are you asking to make love to me?'/I said, 'Is pig what's in pork?'"

Complete lyrics at the Motherpage

The singer awakens from a wet dream horny, and goes in search of a sexual partner. He finds a woman, who agrees but express worry over the possibility of getting pregnant. The singer says "spit don't make babies" and the woman agrees. Afterwards, her wig is half-off, and the singer has "the filthies." Some interpret this to mean the woman was a transvestite.


Critical response: