Norfolk Park is a park and housing estate in Sheffield, England.

Located to the south of Sheffield City Centre, the estate has grown up on part of the former deer park associated with Sheffield Manor. Part of the deer park still exists in the form of Norfolk Heritage Park, which was donated to the city of Sheffield by the Duke of Norfolk in Victorian times and enjoyed its heyday during Victoria's reign. Later, the park fell into neglect and disrepair, but was renovated early in the twenty-first century.

From 2003, Norfolk Park estate is also being redeveloped and privatised, with high rise flats replaced by low rise blocks.

A project is also being undertaken by the Sheffield Wildlife Trust to improve some wildlife havens on the estate. St. Aidans Recreation Ground, the Jervis Lum, Black Bank, Arbourthorne Recreation Ground, and part of the route to the new Norfolk School (currently under construction) have been targetted by SWT for improvement.

In 2002, Sheffield Fayre, a horticulture/wildlife show and multi-period re-enactment, was launched, and it is now an annual event.