One hundred fifty (also One hundred and fifty) (150, CL) is the natural number following one hundred forty-nine and preceding one hundred fifty-one. It is a composite number, with its divisors being 2, 5, 13, 26 and 65, and its factorization

See also: one hundred, one hundred forty, one hundred fifty, one hundred sixty

One hundred fifty is also:

  • The number of Psalms in the Holy Bible. The last Psalm, Psalm 150, is perhaps the Psalm most often set to music.
  • The number of sons of Ulam, who were combat archers, in the Census of the men of Israel upon return from exile (Holy Bible, 1 Chronicles 8:40). Also, the number of sons of Parosh and Zechariah at the Census upon return from Babylonia (Ezra 8:3).

The 150th anniversary of a town, business, or like organization is called a sesquicentennial.

This article is about the number. For the year AD 150, see 150.

One hundred fifty-one (151, CLI) is the natural number following one hundred fifty and preceding one hundred fifty-two. It is the 36th prime number, the previous is one hundred forty-nine, with which it comprises a twin prime. 151 is also a palindromic prime.

One hundred fifty-one is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 151, see 151.

One hundred fifty-two (152, CLII) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-one and preceding one hundred fifty-three. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

This number is the sum of four consecutive primes (31 + 37 + 41 + 43).

One hundred fifty-two is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 152, see 152.

One hundred fifty-three (153, CLIII) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-two and preceding one hundred fifty-four. It is a triangular number as well as a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred fifty-three is also:

  • The number of fishes caught by Simon Peter, "yet the net was not broken" (Holy Bible, John 21:11).

This article is about the number. For the year AD 153, see 153.

One hundred fifty-four (154, CLIV) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-three and preceding one hundred fifty-five. It is a composite number, and its factorization

makes it a sphenic number.

One hundred fifty-four is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 154, see 154.

One hundred fifty-five (155, CLV) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-four and preceding one hundred fifty-six. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred fifty-five is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 155, see 155.

One hundred fifty-six (156, CLVI) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-five and preceding one hundred fifty-six. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred fifty-six is also:

  • The number of sons of Magbish in the Census of the men of Israel upon return from exile (Holy Bible, Ezra 2:30).

This article is about the number. For the year AD 156, see 156.

One hundred fifty-seven (157, CLVII) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-six and preceding one hundred fifty-eight. It is the 37th prime number, the next is one hundred sixty-three.

One hundred fifty-seven is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 157, see 157.

One hundred fifty-eight (158, CLVIII) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-seven and preceding one hundred fifty-eight. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred fifty-eight is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 158, see 158.

One hundred fifty-nine (159, CLIX) is the natural number following one hundred fifty-eight and preceding one hundred sixty. It is a composite number, and its factorization

This number is the sum of three consecutive primes (47 + 53 + 59).

One hundred fifty-nine is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 159, see 159.