One hundred forty (also One hundred and forty) (140, CXL) is the natural number following one hundred thirty-nine and preceding one hundred forty-one. It is a composite number, with its divisors being 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 28, 35 and 70, making it an abundant number; and its factorization is

See also: one hundred, one hundred thirty, one hundred forty, one hundred fifty

One hundred forty is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 140, see 140.

One hundred forty-one (141, CXLI) is the natural number following one hundred forty and preceding one hundred forty-two. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred forty-one is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 141, see 141.

One hundred forty-two (142, CXLII) is the natural number following one hundred forty-one and preceding one hundred forty-three. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred forty-two is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 142, see 142.

One hundred forty-three (143, CXLIII) is the natural number following one hundred forty-two and preceding one hundred forty-four. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

This number is the sum of three consecutive primes (43 + 47 + 53).

One hundred forty-three is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 143, see 143.

One hundred forty-four (144, CXLIV) is the natural number following one hundred forty-three and preceding one hundred forty-five. It is a square, 122, a Fibonacci number (and the largest Fibonacci number that is also a square), as well as a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred forty-four is also:

  • The measurement, in cubits, of the wall of New Jerusalem shown by the seventh angel (Holy Bible, Revelations 21:17).

This article is about the number. For the year AD 144, see 144.

One hundred forty-five (145, CXLV) is the natural number following one hundred forty-four and preceding one hundred forty-six. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred forty-five is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 145, see 145.

One hundred forty-six (146, CXLVI) is the natural number following one hundred forty-five and preceding one hundred forty-six. It is a triangular number as well as a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred forty-six is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 146, see 146.

One hundred forty-seven (147, CXLVII) is the natural number following one hundred forty-six and preceding one hundred forty-eight. It is a composite number, and its factorization is

One hundred forty-seven is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 147, see 147.

One hundred forty-eight (148, CXLVIII) is the natural number following one hundred forty-seven and preceding one hundred forty-eight. It is a composite number, and its factorization

One hundred forty-eight is also:

  • The number of singers, sons of Asaph, at the Census of men of Israel upon return from exile (Holy Bible, Nehemiah 7:44).

This article is about the number. For the year AD 148, see 148.

One hundred forty-nine (149, CXLIX) is the natural number following one hundred forty-eight and preceding one hundred fifty. It is the 35th prime number, the next is one hundred fifty-one, with which it comprises a twin prime.

One hundred forty-nine is also:

This article is about the number. For the year AD 149, see 149.