There are a number of movies with the title Pocahontas:

  • Pocahontas and John Smith - a 1924 film directed by Bryan Foy
  • Captain John Smith and Pocahontas - a 1953 American production directed by Lew Landers
  • Pocahontas (1995 movie) - by The Walt Disney Company
    • Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World - the direct-to-video sequel of the above
  • Pocahontas: The Legend - a 1995 American production directed by Daničle J. Suissa
  • Young Pocahontas - a 1997 American video production
  • Pocahontas (1999 movie) - a Japanese production directed by Toshiyuki Hiruma Takashi

Additionally, there is a Pocahontas (video game).

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