The Science Council is the umbrella body covering scientific professional institutes and learned societies in the UK. Together, the member organisations cover over 150,000 scientists. A similar organisation (the Engineering Council UK (ECUK)) covers engineering institutes.

The Science Council was launched on June 16, 2000 by Lord Sainsbury, the UK Science Minister with thirteen member organisations from the former Council of Scientific and Technology Institutes. The Science Council was granted a royal charter on June 12, 2003. It offers, through its member organisations, the qualification of Chartered Scientist. This is similar to EC(UK)'s Chartered Engineer and qualifications such as Chartered Geologist and Chartered Physicist offered by some member organisations.

The President of the Science Council is Sir Gareth Roberts, FRS. It is based at 76, Portland Place - the headquarters of the Institute of Physics.

Table of contents
1 Aims and Objectives
2 Member Organisations
3 External link

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the Science Council is:

"To be the leading co-ordinating body for science and the science community by promoting the collective knowledge, resources and achievements of its constituent professional and learned bodies and their members worldwide."

The objects of the Science Council are:

Member Organisations

External link