Sebastião Salgado is a well-known photographer who worked only in black in white. Here are some quick facts about him.

· Born in 1944 in Aimorés, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

· 6th Child in Family of 8.

· Originally an economist.

· Earned his master’s degree in economics from Sao Paulo University in Brazil

· Early photos of Sahel Desert.

· Covered news events originally.

· Moved on to documentaries

· His documentaries were always in black and white

· First exhibition called Other Americas. Designed to show counter-culture in rural Americas.

· Later exhibition called Workers. Tells of the demise of large-scale manual labor.

· Terra: Struggle For the Landless about poor people’s struggle to get land in Brazil.

· A later piece was Migrations and the Children

· His work was designed to affect your emotions.

It has won almost all major photography awards.

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