Ingredients: 1-Pound Lean (92 percent or better) Ground Beef (Serving size is 4 ounces, 160 Calories, 4 Grams Saturated Fat, 21 Grams Protein, O Grams Carbohydrates, 70mg. Sodium, 60mg. Cholesterol)

1-Can Diced Tomatoes With Green Chiles (Del Monte's are Good)(23 Calories, 0.75 Grams Protein, 375mg. Sodium, 2.25 Grams Sugars, .75 Grams Fiber)

2 Teaspoons or less Taco Mix (More Than 2 teaspoons and It smothers all other flavors)(2 Calories, 1 Gram Carbohydrates, 0.5 Grams Sugars, 75mg Sodium)

Fat Free Sour Cream (2 Tablespoons 25 Calories, 5 Grams Carbohydrates, 1 Gram Protein, 35mg. Sodium, 2 Grams Sugars, Less than 5mg. Cholesterol)

Mexican Seasoning (Spice Hunter Variety)

10 Mission Tortilla Rounds (Corn Chips)(140 Calories, 3 Grams Saturated Fat, 18 Grams Carbohydrates, 2 Grams Protein, 1 Gram Fiber, 85mg. Sodium)

Totals per serving: 353 Calories 24.75 Grams Protein 23.75 Grams Carbohydrates 7 Grams Saturated Fat 640 mg. Sodium 65 mg. Cholesterol 2 Grams Fiber

Preparation: In skillet cook Hamburger with (optional Mexican seasoning) and 1-tablespoon or less Taco Mix). When Hamburger is done cooking add 1-can Diced Tomatoes with Green Chiles, allow to simmer with lid on skillet for 5 minutes or more.

Put a serving of Tortilla Rounds on plate. Place 2 tablespoons of Fat Free Sour Cream on plate. Sprinkle 1-Serving of Hamburger and diced tomato mixture over top of Tortilla Rounds.