Solo is a descriptive term applied to any activity done alone. Examples include flying, driving, singing, playing a musical instrument, or anything normally or previously done as part of a group or team. For example, the members of the Spice Girls have subsequently had solo careers in various fields.

Solo is a trick-taking card game based on whist. A major distinctive feature is that one player often plays against the other three, while in the regular game they team in pairs.

In music, solo need not mean that no one else is playing at that time, but the soloist's part is the most prominent. In jazz it is common for each player to improvise a solo in turn, while others continue to play but more quietly. A related term is soli, which means that a whole section of a musical ensemble is playing the same thing.

Solo touch is a web site covering issues of human sexuality with specific reference to masturbation.

Solo is a 1977 movie directed by Tony Williams

The city of Solo, formally known as Surakarta, 65 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of Yogyakarta and slightly futher southeast of Semarang in Java, Indonesia, was a center of power during the great Javanese kingdoms.

See also: Han Solo - a fictitious character in Star Wars

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