Meanings of speculum include:

  • A medical tool used for examing body cavities; see Speculum (medical).
  • A small metal mirror used for telescopes.
  • The secondary feathers on the inner part of a duck's wing which are often brightly coloured; see speculum feathers.
  • A journal of medieval studies, published by the Medieval Academy of America; see Speculum (magazine).
  • Speculum metal is an alloy containing copper and tin at least.
  • Ophrys speculum is a species of ground orchid.

The titles of a number of medieval books also include the word speculum:

  • Speculum alchimiae, written by Roger Bacon.
  • Speculum astronomiae, written by Albertus Magnus.
  • Speculum ecclesiae, written by Edmund Rich.
  • Speculum historiale, written by Vincent de Beauvais.
  • Speculum judiciale, written by Guillaume Durand.
  • Speculum meditantis, written by John Gower.
  • Speculum perfectionis, written by Brother Leo.

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