Spider Robinson was born Paul Robinson on November 24, 1948 in New York City. He has lived in Canada for the past 30 years and as an author, he is a Hugo and Nebula award winning science fiction author. He also worked as a book reviewer for the Galaxy science fiction magazine during the mid- to late 1970s and later contributed book reviews to the original anthology series Destinies. He also serves as a columnist in the technology section of the Globe and Mail.

Table of contents
1 Science fiction novels
2 The Stardance Trilogy
3 The Callahan's Series
4 Awards
5 External Links

Science fiction novels

(not complete...)
Mindkiller (1972)
Deathkiller (1996) ISBN: 0671877224
Lifehouse (1997)
The Free Lunch (2002)

The Stardance Trilogy

written in collaboration with his wife, Jeanne Robinson
Stardance (1979)
Starseed (1991)
Starmind (2001)

The Callahan's Series

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (1977)
Time Travelers Strictly Cash (1981)
Callahan's Secret (1986)
Lady Sally's
Callahan's Lady (1989)
Lady Slings the Booze (1992)
Mary's Place
The Callahan Touch (1993)
Callahan's Legacy (1996)
The Place
Callahan's Key (2000)
Callahan's Con (2003)


External Links