Besides boxing promoter, Steve Eisner (1929 - 2003) was also an enterepreneur; a dealer in art and antiquities; the owner of record stores and drive-in theaters; a street scrapper; a professional boxer; a cryptographer for the army; a merchant marine; a philosopher (earning his Ph.B. from the University of Detroit); the editor of Fresco, a literary magazine; a poet and a punster; and the father of four. He became very well known as the premier boxing promoter in the State of Arizona, where he lived during the last decades of his life. He penned such masterpieces of pun and fun as the following:

"Wilt thou," he said / In a voice softly lilted / "Wilt thou," he said / With his head slightly tilted / "Wilt thou," he said / As he looked into her eyes / "Wilt thou," he said / And much to his surprise... / She wilted!

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