The Ambiguously Gay Duo is the name of a cartoon series that is shown on Saturday Night Live. It is produced by Robert Smigel. It follows the adventures of Ace and Gary, two superheroes who are ambiguously gay. Ace and Gary's initials, A and G, appear on their shirts, although some think the initials A and G stand for ambiguously gay.

Table of contents
1 Standard Episode Plot
2 Characters
3 Abiguously Gay

Standard Episode Plot

A villain is informing his associates of a plan to perform a dastartdly deed. The villain states that he cannot be stopped, not even by the duo of Ace and Gary.

Upon mentioning Ace and Gary, the villain and his associates begins to debate if Ace and Gary are homosexual.

Ace and Gary get called by the mayor and the chief of police. Ace and Gary go to the villain's lair, and foil the plan. Along the way, they exhibit behaivor that usually is not exhibited by someone who is heterosexual. A scene that appears more than once follows:

Ace: (patting Gary on the butt): Good job, Gary!
Villains: (suspiciously look at Ace and Gary)
Ace: What's everybody looking at?
Villains: NOTHING!

Episodes which do not follow this general plot tend to have no antagonist. They tend to feature Ace and Gary answering fan mail, and giving safety tips. One episode features the adventures of Ace and Gary when they were in high school.


Ace is the leader of the duo. He is a mentor to Gary, and calls him "friend of friends".
  • Gary
Gary is the other member of the duo. He is younger and less experienced than Ace. He is a parody of
Robin, whom many think is gay.
  • Mayor
The mayor calls Ace and Gary whenever trouble occurs. He tends to call them when Ace is bench-pressing weights without a shirt on. The mayor thinks that Ace and Gary might not be gay.
  • Chief of Police
The chief of police tends to hang out with the mayor, wanting to see what Ace and Gary are doing. He is confident that Ace and Gary are gay, which is a subject he and the mayor debate about.
  • Bighead
Bighead is an evil villan. He is bald, and has a large head, hence his name. He is a scientist, and employs thugs to fight for him. He is the person that most often tries to fight against Ace and Gary. He was once kidnapped by space aliens, and rescued by Ace and Gary.

Abiguously Gay

Underlying every episode is the debate on whether Ace and Gary are gay or not. There are many reasons to think that they are gay:

Despite this, it is still not certain whether Ace and Gary are gay or not. They seem to think that their behavior is completely normal, and get confused when people look at them strangely. Once, when a asked them if they were gay, they misunderstood the question and said that everyone should be happy and gay.