A toasted sandwich is a sandwich that has been toasted. While this can be done to any sandwich simply by using a grill, a small appliance (toasted sandwich maker, or Breville, after the original manufacturer) dedicated to the task is widely available. As well as toasting the sandwich, it presses the edges together to form a seal, so the filling ends up in a cavity within the bread. While this makes it convenient to eat, it can also render the filling extremely hot, with the potential to scald one's mouth.

Typical fillings include cheese, with or without pickle, or jam. Another popular choice is banana and Nutella.

In Australia, toasted sandwiches are called Jaffles.

A ready-made form of toasted sandwich with a sweet fruit jam filling is marketed by Kellog's, called Pop Tarts. These are heated in an ordinary toaster rather than a toasted sandwich maker.