In the mythology of J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Iluin and Ormal were great lamps which once stood respectively at the northern and southern ends of Arda.

After the Valar entered the world, there was a misty light veiling the barren ground. The Valar took this light and concentrated it into two large lamps, Ringil and Helkar, later known as Iluin and Ormal. The Valar, who wanted peace with Melkor, decided to ask his assistance: they wished to fix the lamps upon Arda's ground. Melkor, black with hate and envy of the rest of the Valar agreed to help. He gave Aule a substance which was both sturdy and strong: ice. Aule, not knowing of Melkor's treachery, then forged great towers, one in the furthest north, Ringil, and another in the deepest south, Helkar. Melkor bided his time and allowed the Valar to do as they wished until the fateful day where the Lamps' light and heat melted the ice and crashed upon Arda, flooding it with water and darkness.