UnderNet is one of the four large IRC networks. Established in January, 1993, the Undernet is one of the largest realtime chat networks in the world, with approximately 45 servers connecting over 35 countries and serving more than 1,000,000 people weekly. The userbase spans all ages, nationalities and interests, providing a tremendous variety of channels. There are many IRC ops active and willing to help users, and literally hundreds of volunteers to answer all of your questions in Undernet's help channels.

  1. beginner - General help and chat channel staffed by awesome volunteers, highly recommended for those new to IRC and Undernet.
  2. newbies - One of the best places for new users to discover IRC. Get advice and help from the friendly ops and users.
  3. arlington - Help channel staffed by the IRC ops from the Arlington server.
  4. nastrand - Recommended help channel with an organized method of service to minimize the chaos often found in large help channels.
  5. cservice - For help with user and channel registration issues
  6. darkbot - Support channel for the popular IRC bot
  7. eggdrop - Busy and well established eggdrop bot help channel

  • Homepage: http://www.undernet.org/
  • irc://undernet . Copy and paste it in your web browser address bar, to launch the IRC client and connect to the network