This page is about the pbm war game "World at War" for information about the television series chronicling the events of the Second World War see The World at War

World at War is a play by mail game which is based upon the assumption that a global war is about to break out on a scale equivalent to or greater than WWII. Each player is in charge of one of the countries. This is a strategic level game, with the map consisting of irregular shaped areas, turns being 2 months, land units being mostly divisions, air units are squadrons and naval units are groups of ships. Some of the items and features in the game include:

  • Different types of resources (food, fuel, hmetal, lmetal, credits and production) required to build units.
  • 10 types of land units (HQ Arm Mech Inf Par Mar Stc AT Art AA)
  • 5 type of air units (Ftr LB FB Bmbr ATrn). Air units have to fly out of airbases to do a mission and return to base after the mission
  • 6 type of naval units (CFlt HFlt LFlt Sub NATr NTrn)
technology gains can be made in each type of unit
  • Units consume resources in performing a mission
  • Limited intelligence
  • World market to buy and sell resources
  • Diplomacy with neutral areas
unlimited number of commands and unlimited number of units in an area

This game is run at