Young Earth Creationism

Young Earth Creationism is a belief typically based on Jewish and Christian religious fundamentalism. Adherents hold that scientific findings for the age of the Earth, and usually our universe, simply conflict with the account of creation given in Genesis, where it is recorded that the Earth was created by God in six days. This adherence to six actual days comes from a strict belief in biblical inspiration. Young Earth Creationists who interpret the Bible literally believe that the Earth is somewhere around 6,000 years old (according to Archbishop James Ussher's dating) and usually reject the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe and scientific views of evolution.

Young Earth Creationism is distinguished from Old Earth Creationism in its belief on the age of the Earth. It is distinguished from Geocentrism by its belief in a Heliocentric model of the solar system. Unlike Flat Earthers, Young Earth Creationists believe in a spherical Earth.

Scientific data directly invalidating this viewpoint includes tree ring sequences, annual layers in ice cores, millions of annual layers in oil shale deposits, the shape of the Atlantic Ocean, etc. It also requires drastic alterations of physical constants affecting the speed of light, radioactive decay rates, heat transfer rates (to remove the heat from chemical reactions), etc. It raises the question of "How did humans progress through all the archeological stages so quickly?". The geological counterarguments alone are vast.

Supporters of Young Earth Creationism point to the frequent recurrence in Greek mythology of allusions to creatures bearing a strong resemblance to dinosaurs. These are theorised to be either poetic imaginings or exaggerated traditions of creatures which actually existed during colonisation. Young Earth Creationists find the latter to be more probable. The account of Leviathan in the Book of Job seems to point in the same direction.

See also

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