Zaiger's Genetics, internationally acclaimed for their prolific tree fruit breeding enterprise, is "a Family Organized to Improve Fruit Worldwide".

Floyd Zaiger is joined in the company by his wife Betty, daughter Leith, and sons Gary and Grant. They have achieved global prominence for their fruit and rootstock breeding program, from over 35 years of hybridizing and development of parent stock of apples, pears, cherriesies, almonds, apricots, plums, nectarines and peaches. Dave Wilson Nursery is proud of its privileged position as the primary licensor and propagator in the United States of new fruit varieties developed by Zaiger's Genetics.

Zaiger varieties introduced over the last three decades have made important contributions to commercial and home garden fruit culture - both in the U.S. and abroad. The Zaigers now hold over 90 U.S. Plant Patents and their commercial varieties annually produce millions of boxes of fruit each year in the U.S. alone. Recognizing the potential of work-in-progress at Zaiger Genetics, agricultural research agencies, nurseries and growers in more than a dozen countries around the world have entered into contracts with Zaiger's Genetics to receive new selections as they are released.