Aniline or Aminobenzene (C6H5NH2) is an aromatic petrochemical consisting of a benzene ring and an amino group.

Table of contents
1 Properties
2 Uses
3 History


Aniline is a carcinogen. It is oily and colourless. Its boiling point is 184 degrees C, and its melting point is -6 degrees C


Aniline is used to make a wide range of synthetic products, most notably dyes.


Aniline was first isolated from indigo in 1826 by Otto Unverdorben. In 1855, an inexpensive means of producing aniline from coal tar was discovered by August Wilhelm von Hofmann. Its first industrial-scale use was in the manufacture of mauveine, a purple dye discovered in 1856 by William Henry Perkin.

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