eGovernment is a term used to describe several closely related topics.

The term (in all its uses) is generally agreed to derive from 'electronic government' which introduces the notion and practicalities of 'electronic technology' into the various dimensions and ramifications of government.

The most frequent use of the term eGovernment (also spelled e-government as well as egovernment, Egovernment, E-government, E-Government, e-Gov, egov, EGOV, E-GOV and EGovernment) is related to:

  • the delivery of public services, where there is an 'online' or Internet based aspect to the delivery of the services (sometimes called e-Services)
  • the conduct of government business where the activities of those involved in the process of government itself (such as legislators and the legislative process) where some electronic or online aspect is under consideration.
  • voting where some online aspect is under consideration

Table of contents
1 Non-Internet aspects of eGovernment
2 eGovernment Issues
3 eGovernment news websites

Non-Internet aspects of eGovernment

Non-Internet aspects of eGovernment include:

  • Telephone and telecommunications issues in a government context, including:
    • the provision of government services by telephone (such as in call centers)
    • the use of fax in the provision of government services and the conduct of government business
    • the use of mobile phone (and PDA) based communications technology (such as SMS text messaging and MMS as well as 3G, GPRS, WiFi and Bluetooth) in the provision of government services and the conduct of government business
  • general Government IT, which is now starting to be 'reclassified' as eGovernment, in many cases because it is becoming ever more difficult to disentangle 'internal' (i.e., non-'citizen-facing') IT resources and projects (which have hitherto mostly not been seen as part of eGovernment) from 'external' (and thus mostly already seen as eGovernment) service provision. This reclassification is by no means universal and is often controversial.

  • Surveillance systems, CCTV, tracking systems, RFID, biometric indentification, road traffic management and regulatory enforcement
  • Identity cards, smart cards
  • 'Polling station technology' (where non-online 'e-voting' is being considered)
  • TV and radio-based delivery of government services (this often has a 'crossover' with the Internet, but also includes many non-Internet based aspects and projects)

Non-Website-specific aspects of Internet-based eGovernment concerns:

eGovernment Issues

eGovernment news websites