The original meaning of false friend is someone who appears to be a friend, but is actually an enemy. The phrase "false friend" is an old phrase. It is found in William Shakespeare's Richard III, act III scene i.

In it, Richard III tells Prince Edward:

Those uncles which you want were dangerous;
Your grace attended to their sugar'd words,
But look'd not on the poison of their hearts :
God keep you from them, and from such false friends!

To which Prince Edward replies:
God keep me from false friends! but they were none.

From this comes the use of the term false friends to describe pairs of words in two languages that look or sound similar but differ in meaning. Such words can cause difficulty for students learning a foreign language because the students are likely to misidentify the words based on knowledge of their native language. Comedy sometimes includes puns on false friends, which are considered particularly amusing if one of the two words is obscene.

From the etymological point of view, false friends can be created in several ways:

  • Cognates:
    • If Language A borrowed a word from Language B, then in Language B the word shifted in meaning, a native speaker of language A will face a false friend when learning language B.
  • False cognates:
    • In certain cases, false friends were created separately in the two languages
    • some false friends are simply homonyms with no relation between them whatsoever. They happened due to sheer coincidence.
      • e.g., the Latin is, the Chinese you, and the German Rat.
  • Pseudo-anglicisms:
    • Pseudo-anglicisms are artificially-created constructions of words with elements borrowed from English but the morphemes of which do not actually exist in English.
      • e.g., German: "Twen" for anyone in their "twenties" or the age itself, or "fesch" for smart, natty, chic, attractive or dashing which originated in the English "fashionable".

Examples of false friends between English and other languages
Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means
accuser (French) accuse acknowledge (accuser réception = acknowledge receipt), although it can also mean "accuse" in other cases
actual (Spanish)
actueel (Dutch)
actuel (French)
aktuell (German)
actual current
After (German) after anus
also (German) also thus
ask (Swedish) ask small box; ash (tree)
attendere (Italian)
attendre (French)
attend to wait for; to expect
bald (German) bald soon
beg (Manx) big little
bekommen (German) become obtain, get (compare English "come by")
beraten (German) berate give advice, discuss
bilione (Italian)
biljon (Swedish)
Billion (German)
billion (French) and (Norwegian)
billón (Spanish)
billion American 'trillion' (1012 or million million). The American English billion is in fact a false friend in German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish and means "Milliarde" (109 or thousand million)
Formerly did not apply to British English or where English was taught as a foreign language, but this is changing - see billion.
bloc (Spanish)
Block (German)
block (Swedish)
block note pad
bond (French) bond leap, bound
bras (French) bra(ssiere)s arm (the body part)
brav (German) brave well-behaved
brutaal (Dutch) brutal bold
canto (Latin, Italian or Spanish) canto I sing
casino (Italian) casino brothel
check (Swedish) check bank cheque
compromiso (Spanish) compromise promise
constipado (Spanish) constipated (a) cold
corne (French)
corno (Italian)
corn horn
culte (French) cult worship (as in lieu de culte = house of worship)
demander (French) to demand to ask or request
die (German) (to) die the (feminine and plural article; example: the wife (die Ehefrau), the houses (die Häuser))
dick (German) dick (slang for the penis or a detective) also in idiom (every) Tom Dick and Harry fat, thick
dag (דג) (Hebrew) dog fish
Dom (German) dome cathedral
egg (Swedish) egg edge of a cutting tool, such as knife edge
ego (Latin) ego I
empirer (French) empire to become worse
engagerad (Swedish) engaged considered or involved in something
embarazada (Spanish) embarrassed pregnant
entrée (French) entrée entrance, or appetizer
etichetta (Italian)
etiket (Dutch)
Etikett (German)
etiqueta (Spanish)
étiquette (French)
etiquette label (can also mean etiquette in French or Spanish, but is mostly used as label)
eventualmente (Spanish and Italian)
eventueel (Dutch)
eventuell (German and Swedish)
éventuellement (French)
eventually maybe, perhaps
éxito (Spanish) exit success
fabbrica (Italian) fábrica (Spanish)
fabriek (Dutch)
Fabrik (German)
fabrik (Swedish)
fabrika (Serbian)
fabrique (French)
fabric factory (compare 'fabricate') Possible origin due to large Victorian factories producing woven fabric.
facilidad (Spanish) facility ease
Fahrt (German)
Vaart (Dutch)
fart German: urney; speed; trip, excursion, voyage
Dutch: similar, but only used for ships
far (Swedish) far father
fart (Swedish) fart speed
fast (German) fast nearly, almost
fast (Swedish) fast firm, steady (compare "steadfast")
fat (Swedish) fat (dinner) plate
fat (發) (Cantonese) fat prosperity
fattoria (Italian) factory farm
flint (Swedish) flint bald head
foresto (Esperanto) forest absence
fort (French)
forte (Italian)
fort strong (but can also mean fort)
Gift (German)
Gif (Dutch)
gift poison
gift (Swedish) gift married, poison
glass (Swedish) glass icecream
Glut (German) glut heat; glow; embers
greippi (Finnish) grape grapefruit
gren (Swedish) green branch
groin (French) groin snout
Gymnasium (German and Swedish) gym(nasium) high(er) school, grammar school (see Secondary education)
Handy (German) handy mobile phone, cell phone ("Handy" is not really German, it is artificial (pseudo-English) from English and German "hand", but most Germans think that the word is English). It's a Pseudo-anglicism.
he (היא) (Hebrew) he she
Hose (German) hose (pair of) trousers/pants
i (Latin) I go! (imperative)
is (Norwegian) is icecream
is (Latin) is you go
is (Swedish is ice
Island (Swedish and German)
Islande (French)
island Iceland
it (Latin) it he/she/it goes
caution (French)
Kaution (German)
caution deposit, bail
kid (Swedish) kid fawn
killa (Swedish) kill tickle, scratch
Kind (German) kind child
Kinn (German) kin chin
kontroll (Swedish)
kontrollieren (German)
control check, examine
korn (Swedish) corn barley
kraft (Swedish) craft power, strenght
last (Swedish) last load (transport)
lime (French) lime file (the tool)
Limo (German) limo lemonade
limpa (Swedish) limp loaf (bread), carton of cigarette packages
List (German)
list (Swedish)
list cunning, artfulness, ruse
lump (Swedish) lump discarded fabric
main (French) main hand
mama (Georgian) mother father
me (Finnish) me we
me (麼) (Mandarin) me interrogative marker
merci (French) mercy thank you
miting (Serbian) meeting political demonstration
Mode (German)
mode (Swedish)
mode fashion, haute couture
Mörder (German) murder murderer
nai (ναι) (Greek) nay, no yes
novell (Swedish) novel short story
on (Serbian) on he
once (Spanish) once eleven
or (French) or gold, now
ours (French) ours a bear
pathétique (French) pathetic emotional
pétulant (French) petulant playful
pomme (French) Pommie, Pom (see Alternate words for British) apple
pregnant (Swedish)
prägnant (German)
pregnant short but informative; remarkable, prominent
préservatif (French) (1) preservative condom
Prospekt (German) prospect brochure, leaflet
prospekt (Swedish) prospect document or brochure detailing an offer (usually from a travel agent)
prospekt (Russian) prospect avenue
Prozess (German)
process (Swedish)
process trial (at court)/(in Swedish mainly used to denote process but also means trial)
queue (French) queue tail
Rat (German) rat advice; council; councilor (U.S.), councillor (Br.)
rest (Swedish) rest remainder
restar (Spanish) (to) rest to subtract
rester (French)
restare (Italian)
(to) rest to stay; to remain
roman (Swedish) Roman novel
saikou (Japanese) psycho the best
sale (French) sale dirty
sale (Italian) sale salt
sale (Spanish) sale goes out
salivit (Latin) salivate he/she/it jumped
secte (French) sect cult
Sekt (German) sect champagne, sparkling wine
sensibel (German)
sensibile (Italian)
sensible (French and Spanish)
sensible sensitive
she (舌) (Mandarin) she tongue
Smoking (German)
smoking (Swedish and Spanish)
smoking dinner jacket (Br.), tuxedo (U.S.); but not smoking jacket
son (Spanish) son (they) are
soy (Spanish) soya, soybean (I) am
stark (German and Swedish) stark strong
stor (Swedish) store big, large
stout (Dutch) stout naughty
strafen (German) strafe punish
sum (Latin) sum I am
simpático (Spanish) sympathique (French)
sympathisch (German)
sympatisk (Swedish)
sympathetic likeable, friendly
teknologi (Swedish) technology technology as a discipline
to (Serbian) to (in writing) that
tu (Serbian) to (in reading) there
t'oi (台) (Hakka) toy tower
Unterstand (German) (to) understand shelter; dugout; bunker
vi (Serbian) we (in reading) you
wanken (German) (to) wank to sway; to succumb; to fall
Webseite (German) web site web page
wer (German) where who
will (German)
vill (Swedish)
will want
vink (Swedish) wink hint, wave (salutation)
winken (German) wink to wave
wo (German) who, woe where
vrist (Swedish) wrist ankle
you (有) (Mandarin) you to have

  1. The words Präservativ (German), prezerwatywa (Polish) are derived from the French préservatif (which means both "preservative" and "condom", though "conservateur" is more used for "preservative") and all false friends of the word name. This is an example of how in one language, a word can acquire an additional meaning which is not shared by other languages.

Since false friends are a common problem for language learners, teachers sometimes compile lists of false friends as an aid for their students.

Even compilers of bilingual dictionaries are sometimes fooled by false friends, particularly when they are cognates. For example, the Spanish desgracia can on rare occasions mean "disgrace", but it usually means "misfortune". The best defense for the language student is to use a monolingual dictionary in the target language as a final authority.

See also: Pseudo-Anglicism

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