1. A state of extreme fear or apprehension. See anxiety and phobia.

Despite its common usage, this is not a technical medical term. High or extreme anxiety can be associated with an anxiety disorder or it can be a perfectly normal response to environmental stimuli. Somebody who is about to sit for an important exam or undergo a driving test will often be in a state of "high anxiety".

2. A film by Mel Brooks, 1977.

Plot summary - Dr. Richard Thorndyke arrives as new administrator of the Psychoneurotic Institute for the Very, VERY Nervous to discover some suspicious goings-on. When he's framed for murder, Dr. Thorndyke must confront his own psychiatric condition, "high anxiety," in order to clear his name. An homage to the films of Alfred Hitchcock; contains many parodies of famous Hitchcock scenes from THE BIRDS, PSYCHO, and VERTIGO.

For further details, see the Internet Movie Database - http://us.imdb.com/Title?0076141