Knot has several valid meanings, including:

  • A knot is a fastening or securing of rope, or a similar material.
  • In mathematical knot theory, a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-D space — an abstract representation of knot in the sense cited above.
  • A red knot or knot is a bird, a migratory sandpiper.
  • A shoulder knot is a decorative braid or ribbon, worn on the shoulder.
  • In gardening a knot is an elaborate interlace of tightly-clipped low hedging, often of contrasting leaf color or textures, typical of a knot garden or a bed in a parterre.
  • A top knot is a large tuft of hair (or ribbons) on a person's head
  • A knot is a type of join, as in a marriage.
  • A knot is a tight cluster or group.
  • A knot is a protuberant growth or swelling, i.e. a growth in a gland, or a hard nodule in a tree or lumber.
  • In navigation, a knot is a unit of speed.

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