A normal adult human skeleton consists of the following 206 bones.

In the skull (22):

In the middle ears (6): In the throat (1): In the shoulder girdle (4): In the thorax (25): In the vertebral column (24):
  • cervical vertebrae (7) incl. atlas & axis
  • thoracic vertebrae (12)
  • lumbar vertebrae (5)
In the arms (6): In the hands (54):
  • Wrist (carpal) bones:
  • Palm or metacarpal bones:
    • metacarpal bones (5 x 2)
  • Finger bones or phalanges:
    • proximal phalanges (5 x 2)
    • intermediate phalanges (4 x 2)
    • distal phalanges (5 x 2)
In the pelvis (4): In the legs (8): In the feet (52):
  • Ankle (tarsal) bones:
    • calcaneus (heel bone) (2)
    • talus (2)
    • navicular bone (2)
    • medial cuneiform bone (2)
    • intermediate cuneiform bone (2)
    • lateral cuneiform bone (2)
    • cuboid bone (2)
  • Instep bones:
    • metatarsal bone (5 x 2)
  • Toe bones:
    • proximal phalanges (5 x 2)
    • intermediate phalanges (4 x 2)
    • distal phalanges (5 x 2)

The infant skeleton has the following bones in addition to those above:
  1. sacral vertebrae (4 or 5), which fuse in adults to form the sacrum
  2. coccygeal vertebrae (3 to 5), which fuse in adults to form the coccyx
  3. ilium, ischium and pubis, which fuse in adults to form the pelvic girdle