The following is a list of famous people of Hungarian origin.

(In Hungarian family name comes first, given name (or "first name") goes second. For example Janos Bolyai (English order) was born as Bólyai János, and Bólyai is his family name. The names below are in English order and spelling and Hungarian order is only shown when the spelling differs as well.)

Table of contents
1 Math and Sciences
2 Arts, Entertainment and Literature
3 Sports
4 History and Politics
5 Business and Finance
6 External links

Math and Sciences

Arts, Entertainment and Literature


History and Politics

Business and Finance

  • Andy Grove (born Gróf András), former President/CEO and Chairman of Intel
  • George Soros, (born Soros György,) entrepreneur and one of the world's wealthiest men

See also: List of people by nationality

External links