Piero della Francesca (c1416-1492) was an Italian artist whose work was characterized by his interest in mathematics, particularly how it related to perspective and foreshortening. He wrote a treatise De prospectiva pingendi on how the rules of mathematical foreshortening could be applied to any object, be it a cube or human head. Most of his life was spent in Arezzo and his hometown, Borgo San Sepolcro in Umbria. He studied under Domenico Veneziano in Florence.

His work includes the Madonna della Misericordia (c.1445), The History of the True Cross (1452-66) painted in the church of San Francesco, Arezzo, the Flagellation (c.1460), and portraits of Federico II da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, the Duke and Duchess of Urbino (c.1472).