Tondemo (Japanese slang: "outrageous" or "preposterous") is a category of entertainment. Tondemo is defined by the Academy of Outrageous Books (Togakkai) as "something amusing us from a perspective that differs from what the author intends." Although the authors seriously claim their 'theories', their extraordinary ideas entertain us.

Past winners of the Togakkai award:

  • Ninja, its Origin and Technique, an ostensibly scholarly exploration of the history of ninja techniques, including the secret magicalal hand gestures
  • Amazing Science Fiction Weapons, a notoriously poorly researched book detailing the weapons and plots of science fiction series
  • A Final Warning from Mother Earth, a guide to the future based on the knowledge of the ancients of Atlantis and other civilizations

See also: Conspiracy theory, UFO conspiracy theory, Hollow Earth, Pseudoscience

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